I had initially brought my car in to the SM Lexus dealer as I usually do to check on the engine light. They came back with a diagnostic report with a series of recommended work totaling $2,660 yikes! including replacement of frontback brake padsrotors, wheel bearing and oxygen sensor. Not pleased with the price, I decided to call up a few local independent body shops in SM to get an estimate. Ended up calling a dozen different places on yelp based on ratings, and got in touch with Santa Monica Motors' front man Josh Donnelly. He instantly made me feel at ease with his technical strength and was kind enough to take the time to go over each line item in much detail. By the end of our conversation, I felt very comfortable taking my car to him. They finished working on my car by the end of the same day, and turned out there were a few major discrepancies in the $200 diagnostic report I got from Lexus e.g. said to replace front left wheel bearing when the front right bearing was faulty, said rear brakes measured at 4mm when they were actually 7mm and still good, failing to report a couple other issues, etc.. All this, and I paid 75% of the dealer price. After this experience, I'll have a hard time trusting dealers... Thank you SM Motors!